Tuesday, July 30, 2013

John's Little Man 1st Birthday

I had every intention of giving John his very own birthday party for his big "1." But life happened & two separate parties didn't. I do plan to have Jax & John's birthday celebrations together for as long as I can from here on. We had a fantastic time & the boys are close enough in age to have the same interests. (John says, "If it's good enough for big brother, it's good enough for me!")

We did a "Little Man" theme for John's party. It's perfect for him because he already thinks he's so big. I joke with D, that he makes babies that look like little men. My boys both got too old looking when they're just a few months old. After about 6 months, their smocked outfits start looking ridiculous on them (much to D's joy). I don't know what it is about them!

I had to incorporate some burlap into John's party table. My friend Sis of Rain Lily Photography did a smash cake photo-session with John, so I had to include one of the pics from that!

As always, my friend Stacie came through with some delicious & amazing looking cakes & cookies!

Here D is leading in "Happy Birthday" for John. 

I made John's birthday shirt too. (Mostly because I took too long to decide on what I wanted & waited too long to order it.) It has "suspenders" that are on the front & cross in the back & a "1" on the front. 

Both boys got their own personalized chairs as a gift from their friend. They were a big hit!

John loved him some presents!

Being silly with our mustache cookies!

John didn't make it home awake. (For those who may not know...that's all of 3 blocks!) He was completely partied out. That's party success in my book!!

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