Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Mother's Day Out

Jax started Mother's Day Out at our church this week. I'm so excited for him to get to have wonderful adventures with his friends at school. At the end of the day he recieved a progress report: he ate his lunch, he did not take a nap & he learned that "God made me." He also had a great coloring picture in his folder of a sunshine. He colored it blue :) I love him.
Please pray for his teachers (& especially about the nap time situation)! I asked Dustie if he told the teachers that Jax basically hates naps. He said no-that he wanted to give them a little hope. EEEK! Poor teachers...

Here are some flowers Jax brought to his teachers & Aunt Beb (the director of MDO).

I saw this idea on a blog somewhere, but can't find it anymore!

Here are some of his school supplies!

Woohoo! Let's go to school!

We went to get a first day of school treat after school.

I think we had a great first day!


  1. Awww, Jenni...what a cutie! We LOVED MDO with Parker at FBC Vivian. Aunt Beb is a jewel! We love her so much!

  2. PS...Those flowers are WAY cute!

  3. That last pic is the cutest thing...

    Words of hope - Jax is NOT the first kid at MDO who hates naps. I promise. They have already gone through Dillon, and Andy, and Carson, and...

