Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Jaxon's "Crib"
There's nothing like home sweet home! Here are a few pics (ok, a LOT) of Jax's room. Please note that it's mostly a prop! The only use he gets out of his room is diaper changes, storing/changing clothes & reading some grand books. Hopefully the use of the actual crib will come sooner than later!

Friday, September 18, 2009
Going to God's House
Jax just LOVES going to God's house! From early on Jax has been in church. Even when he wasn't old enough (or had the Dr's ok) to go to church, he loved going up there with Dada to work in the office. We have an amazing church family that loves Jax as if he was their own...so thankful for that.
Here are some pics of Jax on the first day he was able to go to church. The outfit he was supposed to wear home from the hospital was way too big, so instead, he got to wear it for his first day at church. He also brought his Bible and his Jesus Money/offering. We love that we can drop Jax off and know that he will hear God's Word that day.

Here are some pics of Jax on the first day he was able to go to church. The outfit he was supposed to wear home from the hospital was way too big, so instead, he got to wear it for his first day at church. He also brought his Bible and his Jesus Money/offering. We love that we can drop Jax off and know that he will hear God's Word that day.
Dada and Jax going to God's House with God's Word.
Just getting to church
Mrs. Jane was ready for some sugar.
Lovin on Mrs. Jane
Mrs. Chanda - Jax's Sunday School teacher!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
PawPaw's Party!
So much has happened in Jax's very young life already. I'm trying to cram in all of the major events that Jax has been a part of. On the day of Jax's 2 month shots we had a big family/friend birthday party for PawPaw (Dustie's grandpa). We all went to eat fish and then ended up back at PawPaw's for birthday cake and LOTS of pictures!

Cake Time!
Zay, Jax, PawPaw and Ava getting ready to sing Happy Birthday.
4 Generations
Jax and Sweet Aunt DI
YUM! It's not a party without cookie cake!
PawPaw holding Jax and Evan.
The Dunn clan
A few days later, we took a trip to Dallas to visit Aunt Anne and Uncle Bill! First long road trip (ya...bad idea). But it was great to visit with them.
Aunt Anne and Jax 
Uncle (Chris) and Lauren with Jax.
(He loves to be naked!)
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Quarter Year
Chillin with some big boy shoes on.
I'm a big boy b/c I'm 3 Months old today!
I cannot believe my baby boy is 3 months old. Really, he has existed in my life for one year now. 365 Mornings... Mornings I would pray to wake up and not feel sick. Mornings I would pray that he would not kick so hard so I could sleep. Mornings of insomnia when I would be awake, waiting for the alarm to go off. And now, mornings I pray that he does not wake up hungry before the alarm goes off.
Time is flying by so fast I could cry. A friend told me to let each phase of his life be my favorite-that that is the only way you can take them growing up so quickly. So that is what I am trying to do. So much has happened in such little time, yet I feel like I have known him forever. Although he cannot talk (not for lack of trying), I know this baby. Jaxon Davis Dunn's soul is so sweet. So precious. Thoughtful even.
Carseat Pics:
1 Month Old
2 Months Old
3 Months Old
"Here I raise mine Ebenezer; hither by Thy help I'm come."
Brother From Another Mother
Just to clarify, Jax is not our only child. The Lord blessed our life with Hootie James Dunn Christmas 2004 and life has never been the same since! Hoo has helped us to become the parents we are today. He fills our life with excitement, teaches us patience and embodies unconditional love. We couldn't have picked a better best friend for Jax.
The Best Dressed Dog in Vivian

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Bloggy Bloggerton!!!
Woohoo! I'm finally getting this going! I made this blog a while back when I was on maternity leave, but I just couldn't ever get it started! I wanted to find the perfect background, have all my pictures ready to go, have my smart friends on hand for grammar checks, etc. But today I decided that if I wait for all that, Jax will be old enough to read/check this blog and would never let me do it so...it's now or never!
I've always enjoyed reading other people's blogs, but thought, "I don't have a reason to start one." But now I do!
Here he is:
The Amazing: Jaxon Davis Dunn
(aka-Dustie's Mini-Me)

His birthday picture!

Being a thinker...

He loves "seepy night-night."

My favorite pic (thanks Sis and Rain Lily Photography!)