Wednesday, October 27, 2010


So I'm in the hospital with my mom. She had a little procedure done today & came through everything really well. Since my Dad is not the best nurse (most compassionate man) I volunteered to stay with her while she's here.
Is it weird that staying in the hospital kinda makes me want to have another baby? Haha...the time will come!
I'm super excited to get a little down-time with my mom & to make sure she is being cared for the way I think she should be. I'm also a little antsy about not being at home with my family. Tomorrow is Jax's MDO Halloween Party. All the kids get to wear their costumes & exchange treats. Jax is going as SUPERJAX! That's not his Halloween costume. He's going to be a dinosaur for Halloween, but I knew he would NOT wear that costume all day at school, so we decided on one that is more like regular clothes to him. He's also taking bags of SUPER goodies to his friends. Hopefully I will have pictures to follow this post. Since I won't be there, Dad has been left in charge of the picture-taking. He knows pictures are super important to me. I'm sure he'll do a great job!
I'm trying to be super quiet so that Mom can get some rest. She's tired & the nurses have so much to do-they're in here like every 10 minutes. I think I'll take advantage of this time to read my latest Beth Moore & catch up on Jax's journal.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Halloween Birthday Bash!

This past weekend I did a Halloween Birthday Party for TRIPLETS! It was super fun...and super hot! The day started off with cool, almost cold, weather, but by the time the party started, it was BLAZIN HOT! I got a little sunburn. It has made me rethink Jax's birthday party for next year. I wanted it to be at this really fun petting zoo, but I think we might melt in June!
Here are a few pics from the party-basically pics of the setup. I didn't get any with the kids & I wish I had! Their costumes were great!

This is the main table-cake/dessert table. The cakes were AMAZING & delicious.

We had candy pumpkins, lollipops, marshmallows, gumballs filled with slime...

I love that the b-day kids picked their own cake flavors.
We had strawberry cake with chocolate icing, pink velvet cake with
cream cheese icing & the VERY popular chocolate cake with chocolate icing.

This end of the buffet displayed candy corn, stickers, cobweb cotton candy & gummy earwax.
This is the Spook Center where the kids would walk through and
feel whatever was in the boxes. Fun & Gross!

As the guests arrived, the kids would start off by decorating their own treat bag

The super fun event was the slime making! Because it was such a big party the birthday kids got to add the ingredients to the bowl to make the slime. All the kids got to feel it as it was coming together. Then, each kid had his/her own bag to take home.

It was such a fun time! What a fun-filled Halloween week this will be!

Friday, October 22, 2010

A Great Day at the Fair

That's right! 4 blog posts in 4 consecutive days! (WHAT! WHAT!) I told my friend Sis I was trying to be like a REAL blogger. haha!

Actually, Fall is SUCH a fun season to me &, eventhough it has still felt like Summer most days, I still like to pretend it's chilly outside & do all the fun Fall activities. We have been BUSY! We're always busy (& yes, I know everyone is). But we have made an effort lately as a family to be busy with things that are good for us! I love all the adventures we go on! We make a special effort now to not just complete an activity, but to be concious that we are making memories. Sounds cheesy, but it has really helped me with this whole "baby growing up" thing.

Yesterday was opening day at the fair (as well as dollar day-a dollar to get in, a dollar to park, & a dollar on various food items). We & some friends decided to take advantage of the deal! We had a super fun time!

At the petting zoo! Feeding the giraffe was the coolest!

Just a fun photo. I like how the pig is as big as the horse.

Being a farmer!


Aunt Lori helping Jax see the baby chicks!

YUCK! Dustie just had to try the donut burger.

I LOVE this picture. Wish he had on something other than Batman! HA!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

We've Been "BOO"ing!

I got this idea from MANY of the blogs I read. It sounded like a great adventure so I thought it was a MUST for the Dunn family! I found this printable at Super cute! I spent the same amount on each one, but picked out items to fit the recipient. One tip-wait for it to get dark before delivering the goodies...we got caught at most houses!

Jax checking out all the goodies!

Jax swiped a goody from one of the baskets!

Knock & RUN!!!

Jax proud of his fun adventure.

Happy Fall Y'all!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Fine Fall Fun

A couple of weekends ago we went to the Pumpkin Patch to pick out some pumpkins. Jax had been sick the week before, so he needed to get out in the beautiful Fall weather. We made lots of memories :) & had a great time!

Jax riding the cow train
(Actually, we all did, but we'll spare you the photos of us squeezing into those things!)


Enjoying a delicious caramel apple!

Awesome photo spots!

Pig races!

Go Pig, Go!

Jax happy to FINALLY get what he came for.

He wouldn't let it out of his sight!

We had a great time!!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


What a fantastic weekend I just had! I was able to attend the Ministry Wives' Retreat with my friend (& our Youth Pastor's wife) Lori. Lori and I have recently been saying how we needed a little getaway, well this weekend really hit the spot. Often times ministry wives are the ones to have to do the teaching, leading, filling-in in all the various places our church may need us. It was such a treat to get to go on this retreat and just enjoy and be taught.

God really used every worship service & small group session to speak to me. The theme for the weekend was "In Our Shoes" (pic of the book above). The authors were the teachers for each main worship service. Not only were they hilarious, but they covered every situation we could be in (every shoe we may be wearing) in our church.

I attended 3 small group sessions:
The first session was Friday night & it was Scrapbooking- I love me some arts n crafts! But this session really focused on our memories. What I took away from this session was to really focus on each moment & realize that each moment I'm living out-I'm making a memory. I was also encouraged to establish lots of fun family traditions with my family from year to year. What a legacy to leave my child/ren to be able to recall all of those memories one day. The second session I chose Saturday morning was "ME Time" & it was about taking time out for myself. Eventhough I can sometimes feel guilty when I'm doing something I think only benefits me, I realized this weekend-by taking that time out for myself, I can be a better Wife & Mom & just better for anyone to be around! :) They gave lots of exciting ideas about things to do in my "Me Time" & I'm already trying some out! The final session was called, "Life in the Fishbowl." This session was my favorite. She discussed how to deal with certain issues in the ministry, how to be there for our husbands b/c we can nurture them in ways no one else can, & lots of neat ideas to keep our fishbowl focused on the Kingdom. I took so many things away from that mind is actually still digesting everything!

It was great getting to spend time with other ministry wives. It was so awesome to be surrounded by so many that are in a situation much like mine. I can relate to these women in so many ways-the best way being the love that we have to serve our Lord. I came home with a pep in my step & a new excitement for this awesome calling.