Friday, February 13, 2015

Lots of Love

As you can imagine, our Valentines Day has been full of love. I'm overwhelmed with the feelings of just how blessed & favored we are by God. Valentines Day was the perfect follow-up to the birth of our third child. (I'll share more on that later.)

I feel like I've celebrated for weeks now. I knew it would be a crazy week for our family, so I planned, shopped, & crafted everything ahead of time.

We made Valentines.

I found this super cute idea on Pinterest & Jax loved it. It's rolos with a wrapper to make it look like dynamite.

John is all about the super heroes, so he chose these cards & hearts w/ Avengers on them, as well as a pack of mini M&ms, his favorite.

Jax really wanted his teacher to have Bon-Bons for V-day, so we got her some & a few other fun goodies. We did the same for John's teacher.

Both teachers sent me pictures of the boys at their parties. We are so blessed to have these ladies in our lives!

On Valentines Day, the Great Valentine left a few goodies ;)

We made a few sweet treats (& enjoyed some made by others).

We made a love potion.

& we just enjoyed being a new family of five!

"Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God." 1 John 3:1

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Upward Basketball 2015

This year was our first year to get to be a part of Upward Basketball at our church.

D coached Jax's 5-6 y/o team - the Junior Bears.

They practiced hard.

Jax the morning of his first game.

They called his name & the names of all his team members before the game.

John & I cheered & cheered!


John yelling, "Go Bubba!!"

After every game, the team would meet & get stars for things like: good sportsmanship, good offense, good defense, good team player, memorizing their verse for the week, & being like Christ.

Jax after his last game with his team goodies.

Jax tonight before the Upward Awards.
He was excited!

& super proud of his stars!

His team before church.

& the most fun tonight - the confetti cannons!! :)

It was a great year! We are so thankful for our Family Life Pastor & the team that plan, organize, & pray for this ministry.