Thursday, August 8, 2013

Jesus Calling

Today's "Jesus Calling" just completely tops off the ever-increasing sound of the Father's voice. Just the other day I wrote about how God's been speaking to me in EVERYTHING. (I even mentioned how He even spoke to me about how He's speaking to me!) & then there's THIS.

I have NEVER heard the Lord so frequently or as "loudly" as I have over the past year. Yes, I have been purposefully seeking Him, but this isn't the first time. Since February 2012, the Lord's voice has been one long crescendo. It's so undeniable at this moment in my life. It's like God's telling me things, & then retelling me those things, & then telling me that He's telling me things! (Hope you stuck with me for that.)

I do know that I am fantastically blessed to hear God so directly. I have definitely been through times that I have felt as if the Lord wasn't listening or responding, so I'm so very thankful for the blessing to hear straight from Him.

The whole reason I shared this is because of the part that says, "As you learn these lessons, you are to teach them to others." I think that I try to do that. Mostly because I'm crazy excited when the Lord shows me cool stuff I can't help but share. Like today, I was only halfway through my Bible Study when I thought, "I've GOT to tell Dustie all about this!!!" I was literally about to burst! (Just so you know, I restrained myself & finished it & then shared!) My last couple of blogs were totally things that the Lord has taught me lately & I had to write about just because it was the overflow of my heart.

I'm really not a "2-blog-posts-in-one-day" kinda girl (or in one week for that matter), but I mostly wanted to post this for accountability. There are some posts about my life that I've kind of been writing in my head. They are soooo full of evidence of God's power, might, sweetness, provision, strength, & realness. I have been telling y'all I would write them, but I'm almost intimidated that I won't do these stories of the greatness of God justice. 

Today's Jesus Calling devotion meant so much to me. It was more confirmation that all the things I've been hearing from the Lord were definitely on purpose. He meant what He said. It's also the nudge I needed to share what God has taught me & to just testify!

Be looking for:
-My Testimony
-My Calling
-The Waiting Room (the story of just waiting...& mean WAITING on the Lord)
-The story of God leading us to PHBC
-What God is doing now (basically about trust, faith, perseverance, & obedience...& another little waiting room)

These are the things I feel led to share. Tidbits of some of these may be sprinkled throughout my blog. These future posts should give the whole picture.

I truly hope & pray that you, too, are learning things from the Lord and that you have someone to teach & share with!

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