We try to take a small vacation each year after Christmas if possible. We like to look forward to that time of rest & relaxation when we're smack-dab in the crazy of Christmas.
This year we decided on a beach trip. (Dauphin Island)
We basically had the beach to ourselves.
Early in the week it was unseasonably warm, which made for perfect beach weather!
All December the boys would tell me that they wanted to build a snowman. I told them that it hardly ever snowed where we live & they would come much closer to building a sand snowman.
They were just as excited for that!
Thank goodness for Uncle, because that sand snowman would have been pitiful without him.
Our sand snowman.
What fun memories we will have now!!
The beach house we stayed in was great. Other than playing on the beach, we stayed in it most of the time.
We watched movies, put puzzles together, & had a much needed restful vacation!
We took a picture or two. Ha!
John liked playing in the sand.
Jeb loved being doted on by Mitz.
& Jax loved the freezing water. He was the only one brave enough.
We snuggled.
& took more pics! :)
At the end of the week, we traveled back to our hometown because Brother (aka Uncle...aka Chris) was finally marrying Sammy!!
They decided to do it on New Year's Day & set the tone for a wonderful & exciting year!
The wedding was beautiful & perfect! Intimate, just our families, & the perfect venue.
We all had a fun time celebrating afterwards.
We love our precious Uncle & Aunt Sammy!!
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