Thursday, March 21, 2013

MDO Egg Hunt

Today was Jax's Easter Egg Hunt & Mother's Day Out. His Daddy said he was too big to take his bunny basket to hunt eggs at school. (insert SAD face! He will be using his bunny basket for our family hunts!) He looks so old...I want to put a sign up & tell everyone...HE'S JUST THREE!!!

Jax had no problem picking out a new basket/hat...he knew right away that the (hideous, ahem) Yoda basket was the one for him! Here he is modeling his basket...

Haha! I love my silly boy!

Here he is hunting eggs.

It was a good hunt!

We made fun oreo treats for his school friends.
Inspiration came from one of my favorite blogs: Little Pumpkin Grace

She used it as a Valentine's Day treat-which is ADORABLE, (& I might have to do for John when he gets older) but I was in love with the idea & wanted to use it NOW! Plus, I know myself & I would find something different for Jax by the time next Valentine's Day rolls around.

Finally, I wanted some cute treats for Jax to take his teachers, so we made these Bunny Bouquets.

This was a fun Pinterest idea.

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