Oops...so it's been a month since I've posted anything! Believe me, it's not for a lack of anything to post, more like a lack of time.
October Fun:
-Jax was invited & attended his 1st Birthday Party! It was a super cute start to Fall with a bonfire, s'mores & a hayride! (pics to come)
-Costumes Galore! As some of you may know, Dustie and I adore costumes, dress-up & just any kid with an awesome imagination. It's been very hard to practice self-control & not get Jax EVERY Halloween costume out there. (pics to come)
-Development: Jax just had his 4 month doctor visit. He got 3 vaccinations (took em like a champ! The first was by mouth, but he didn't cry at all for the second one and only whimpered for the third.) He is 26 inches tall...OVER 2 FEET TALL?!?! That's CRAZY! He weighs 17.2 lbs. He is now ahead of his age in growth. I can't believe how quickly he is growing. boo hoo...time for more! (j/k haha...Dustie will LOVE that) He's rolling over front to back & back to front, scooting using his knees (I think he'll be crawling very soon!), playing a lot more with toys, discovered his tongue and LOVES to lick anything and everything, & has entered the exciting world of teething!
-Last Semester: We just recently went to New Orleans with Dustie as he finished his last workshop of the semester. He is currently finishing up his last papers for his internet class & will be walking this December! (He has one more workshop to attend in January, but that will complete his Master's Degree! Praise the Lord! He plans to take about a year or so off & then get started on his Doctorate.)
-Pastor Appreciation Month: October is Pastor Appreciation Month. Our church absolutely spoils us rotten (thank You Jesus!). We have been pampered beyond our wildest dreams. The best part of it is...they do this ALL THE TIME-not just for this month. What a blessing!
I think those are the major events that have gone on so far this month. Right now we're getting ready for our Fall Festival at our church...hoping the weather cooperates. We have had some crazy rain lately! I can't wait for Jax to rock out his scary monster costume!
Over two feet tall???? Your little monkey is eating his Wheaties!!!!! He is already the same weight as Sadie and Rylie...they are sixteen months old!!! He is going to be a great big football player!!!! :o) Sure would love to see you guys...going to be this way anytime soon???
ReplyDeleteYes! I knew he was growing like crazy, but I couldn't believe it! Already there from not even 7 lbs at birth! We'd love to see y'all too. As of now we don't have any plans to head that way; perhaps we can get a visit in soon after Christmas. We're excited about Nathan trying out for SWAT. Dust thinks that's the coolest thing. Love y'all!